Car Garage Services: How To Prepare For An MOT

Every year your car goes into the garage to maintain its MOT. This can be a stressful time, as there are a few components prone to wear and tear that dictate if the vehicle passes or fails. To help mitigate the hassle of booking and preparing for an MOT, we’ve put together this step-by-step guide for you.

Step One: Check Your Schedule

First, make sure you’re available for an MOT. Find a time when you’re not too busy, and you don’t have any long journeys to make in your vehicle. Most of the time, if you’re car is in good health, then an MOT will be done the same day as drop off. However, if there are issues that need to be fixed, you could be without your car for a few days. Ensuring you don’t have any important holidays or occasions around this time is important.

mot schedule

Step Two: Book Your MOT With A Reputable Business

Once you know the dates you’re available, it’s time to book an MOT with a trusted mechanic. We advise shopping around, checking reviews and discussing costs with multiple companies to ensure you’re getting the best service at the right price. You can ask them about courtesy cars, drop-off processes and any special offers to help assess if they’re right for you.

call garage for MOT

Step Three: Find Temporary Transportation

With your vehicle’s MOT booked in, it’s time to figure out how you’re going to get around without a car. Whether your MOT takes an hour or a week, you may need transportation for your commute and daily life. Determining this will come down to circumstance. If you’re able to use public transportation, then you can book a car for its MOT relatively hassle-free. However, if you need a car, it may be worth looking into a courtesy car.

courtesy car

Step Four: Check For Problems That Are Easy To Fix

Before your car goes in for its MOT, we advise looking for any small issues that could result in failure. For example, a chip in your windscreen at the driver’s height, or 30cm from the edge could stop your car from passing. However, you can easily get these fixed with a mobile windscreen service to avoid delays on your MOT. Keeping on top of these aspects helps to save time and cost.

windscreen crack

Contact Us For Professional MOTs

If you’re vehicle needs an MOT, then get in touch with Dave Coe Garage Services today. We offer decades of experience, expert knowledge and state of the art machinery to ensure safe, quality work on you car.
